Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Colour is so much a part of our lives that most of us take it for granted. Have you noticed how often colours are used in language? Examples: in the pink, feeling blue, blacken his name, a yellow streak, green with envy. Colour surrounds us and has an enormous subconscious impact on us. Some colours make us feel calm and relaxed, others make us happy or sad, or energised and stimulated.

Think back to some of your favourite colours. I expect you’ll find they were the ones you needed at that particular time of your life. Often the colours we choose to wear on certain days reflect our mood. By consciously surrounding yourself with the right colours you can add a sense of balance to your life. Why don’t you try an experiment? Try using the colours you need in your clothing, around your home and in the garden, or in a vase of flowers. Personally I have a collection of bright coloured glass which I move around my home, depending on my mood.

Every week I’m going to post a short piece on each colour and how it affects us. I hope you’ll enjoy experimenting on a day to day basis and find out what a mood enhancer it can be. Let me know any interesting findings!

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