Although black really absorbs all colour and white reflects all colour we still think of them both as colours and they have a psychological effect on us.
‘The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow’.
White gives us a sense of space and freedom, although an excess amount of it can also be cold and isolating. It’s good for lessening shock or despair. Use it when you want to reflect on things without making any decisions
White gives us clarity, peace and comfort and you’ll be attracted to white if you have a need to reconnect with your inner self. It’s associated with a higher consciousness and spirituality and is wonderfully cleansing.
If you like the colour you probably want to simplify your life and to escape from outside pressures. You may be in a transitional phase in your life. If you dislike it you need to make more time to think and may want to move on from something emotional.
The right amount of white will leave you well-balanced, optimistic and living according to your inner beliefs. It’s great for getting rid of negative feelings. However, avoid it if you’re lonely or if you need to participate and make decisions. Remember that warm shades of white are better for you than cold.
‘The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice’.
Traditionally it’s a colour associated with authority, power, death and mystery. However, it’s also protective, sophisticated and inspires self-confidence and strength. It’s a passive colour and too much of it will prevent you growing and changing. It’s not good if you’re feeling a lack of self-worth.
If you like it then you’re probably strong-willed, opinionated and disciplined. Be careful though, because you may be inflexible and too independent. Black is often used to hide behind while someone is working out their true identity, which is why it’s so popular with young people. If you don’t like it you probably want control and are seeking personal power.
Black is a good colour to use if you don’t want to be influenced by other people, or if you want to be self-sufficient and in control. Ideally you should add small amounts of other strong colours with black. In clothing this could be jewellery, a scarf or tie, or underwear and in décor it might be a bright piece of fabric, a rug or vase. They will counterbalance the negativity you may absorb from too much black.
‘All cats are grey in the dark’. (Thomas Lodge)
Grey is associated with independence, self-control and self-reliance. However, it’s also a colour that denotes evasion and non-commitment. People who use a lot of grey may want to remain aloof and uninvolved, but this can lead to loneliness and self-criticism if you don’t balance yourself with other colours.
If you love the colour you’re very much an individual and if you dislike it you probably need support from family and friends.
Remember to rest and relax and boost your energy, otherwise you may find yourself drained and passive. Like black, this is a colour best used along with amounts of other brighter colours.
‘The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow’.
White gives us a sense of space and freedom, although an excess amount of it can also be cold and isolating. It’s good for lessening shock or despair. Use it when you want to reflect on things without making any decisions
White gives us clarity, peace and comfort and you’ll be attracted to white if you have a need to reconnect with your inner self. It’s associated with a higher consciousness and spirituality and is wonderfully cleansing.
If you like the colour you probably want to simplify your life and to escape from outside pressures. You may be in a transitional phase in your life. If you dislike it you need to make more time to think and may want to move on from something emotional.
The right amount of white will leave you well-balanced, optimistic and living according to your inner beliefs. It’s great for getting rid of negative feelings. However, avoid it if you’re lonely or if you need to participate and make decisions. Remember that warm shades of white are better for you than cold.
‘The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice’.
Traditionally it’s a colour associated with authority, power, death and mystery. However, it’s also protective, sophisticated and inspires self-confidence and strength. It’s a passive colour and too much of it will prevent you growing and changing. It’s not good if you’re feeling a lack of self-worth.
If you like it then you’re probably strong-willed, opinionated and disciplined. Be careful though, because you may be inflexible and too independent. Black is often used to hide behind while someone is working out their true identity, which is why it’s so popular with young people. If you don’t like it you probably want control and are seeking personal power.
Black is a good colour to use if you don’t want to be influenced by other people, or if you want to be self-sufficient and in control. Ideally you should add small amounts of other strong colours with black. In clothing this could be jewellery, a scarf or tie, or underwear and in décor it might be a bright piece of fabric, a rug or vase. They will counterbalance the negativity you may absorb from too much black.
‘All cats are grey in the dark’. (Thomas Lodge)
Grey is associated with independence, self-control and self-reliance. However, it’s also a colour that denotes evasion and non-commitment. People who use a lot of grey may want to remain aloof and uninvolved, but this can lead to loneliness and self-criticism if you don’t balance yourself with other colours.
If you love the colour you’re very much an individual and if you dislike it you probably need support from family and friends.
Remember to rest and relax and boost your energy, otherwise you may find yourself drained and passive. Like black, this is a colour best used along with amounts of other brighter colours.