‘Happiness….lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.’(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Throughout history creativity has been used to help healing. Studies have shown that it helps us live longer and improves our self-esteem. It also stops us feeling isolated and lessens depression. It’s a very necessary part of a healthy well-balanced lifestyle.
Creating is about generating new ideas or concepts. It helps us to open up an inner emotional part of ourselves, allowing us to make choices and decisions and have some control over something in our lives. I’m not talking just about arts and crafts. Other pursuits like cooking, decorating or gardening, for example, require creative expression.
Psychologists have identified a state of the mind that they call ‘flow’, because it’s like a current of water pulling you along. It’s when people are so absorbed in what they’re doing that they feel fully involved and have a high level of concentration. They lose self-consciousness and focus on clear goals. There’s no fear of failure. It’s often a time altered state and is rewarding and seemingly effortless. In fact, it’s almost like a form of meditation. Can you remember times when you’ve felt this? Can you remember what you were doing?
Okay, so how do you go about being creative? First, you need to find what appeals to you. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or something you did when you were a child that gave you huge enjoyment? Look and listen to everything around you to find out what inspires you. People are motivated to create by a need for varied stimulation, or to communicate ideas and values, or to solve problems.
Many people put off trying something new because of a little inner critic telling them they can’t do it. Ask yourself: what’s the worst that can happen? There’s no right or wrong way to create. It’s a learning experience with no restrictive rules. It’s for fulfilment and fun, not for approval. It’s play, not competition.
Here’s a list of possible things to choose from, although there are many more:
Make greetings cards, scrapbooking, jewellery making, singing, writing music, playing a musical instrument, designing clothes, painting, drawing cartoons, photography, collage, quilting, writing stories, writing poetry, gardening, woodwork, carving, sculpture, interior design, dance, amateur dramatics....
Once you’ve decided what appeals to you, then take the steps to start doing it: book a lesson, join a group, buy the materials, read books about the subject, collect pictures, visit galleries or museums, research on the internet. Make space in your life to fit it in. Go out and DO IT!
Remember: creativity improves your memory, boosts your morale, gives you a sense of well-being, helps you face adversity, makes you emotionally resilient, and lifts depression. It’s just as important as physical exercise in your life….and it’s great fun too!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Orange is the happiest colour’ (Frank Sinatra)
This colour is considered a sign of joy and happiness and is associated with our energy and emotions. It’s flamboyant, energetic and warm. Although it’s the least popular of the colours it has lots of beneficial qualities.
Orange mentally uplifts us and is a great colour for boosting self-esteem or renewing interest in life. It helps us forgive others and go beyond the constraints of our families or communities, so that we confidently move out in the world. It allows us to have the freedom to be ourselves and also to respect others’ freedom.
Too much orange in your environment can make you emotionally explosive, overindulgent, hyperactive and obsessed with sex. It tends to make people sexually manipulative and may create problems with money.
Too little of the colour in your life can cause you to repress your emotions and your sexuality, while making you distrustful and accentuating any feelings of guilt. You may have low self-esteem and feel uncreative and bored with your life.
If you don’t like orange then you are probably mentally and physically exhausted, in which case surround yourself with the paler shades, the peaches and apricots, in order to get the benefit without too much of the energy.
Orange is a source of laughter and zest for life. Having a balanced amount of orange surrounding you will encourage you to explore and enjoy life. This attracts people and helps you become comfortable socially, with an easy connection to others. It helps you form positive relationships. With the right balance of orange you will be friendly, caring, creative, optimistic and in touch with your gut feelings. It also enables you to let go of the past.
Our self-respect is related to the colour orange. It can work as an anti-depressant. It uplifts and enlivens us while giving us a feeling of warmth and security. Use it when you need some lightness and laughter around you. Avoid it if you’re feeling confused, frustrated or claustrophobic.
It’s the colour for activity and exercise. It strengthens your immune system and aids digestion. It’s a wonderful colour for the gym, or the kitchen and anywhere that you socialise, but is best avoided in bedrooms as it can be over-stimulating and make you feel restless. Use it whenever you want to feel positive, energetic and active. Learn to love it, because it’s extremely good for you!
This colour is considered a sign of joy and happiness and is associated with our energy and emotions. It’s flamboyant, energetic and warm. Although it’s the least popular of the colours it has lots of beneficial qualities.
Orange mentally uplifts us and is a great colour for boosting self-esteem or renewing interest in life. It helps us forgive others and go beyond the constraints of our families or communities, so that we confidently move out in the world. It allows us to have the freedom to be ourselves and also to respect others’ freedom.
Too much orange in your environment can make you emotionally explosive, overindulgent, hyperactive and obsessed with sex. It tends to make people sexually manipulative and may create problems with money.
Too little of the colour in your life can cause you to repress your emotions and your sexuality, while making you distrustful and accentuating any feelings of guilt. You may have low self-esteem and feel uncreative and bored with your life.
If you don’t like orange then you are probably mentally and physically exhausted, in which case surround yourself with the paler shades, the peaches and apricots, in order to get the benefit without too much of the energy.
Orange is a source of laughter and zest for life. Having a balanced amount of orange surrounding you will encourage you to explore and enjoy life. This attracts people and helps you become comfortable socially, with an easy connection to others. It helps you form positive relationships. With the right balance of orange you will be friendly, caring, creative, optimistic and in touch with your gut feelings. It also enables you to let go of the past.
Our self-respect is related to the colour orange. It can work as an anti-depressant. It uplifts and enlivens us while giving us a feeling of warmth and security. Use it when you need some lightness and laughter around you. Avoid it if you’re feeling confused, frustrated or claustrophobic.
It’s the colour for activity and exercise. It strengthens your immune system and aids digestion. It’s a wonderful colour for the gym, or the kitchen and anywhere that you socialise, but is best avoided in bedrooms as it can be over-stimulating and make you feel restless. Use it whenever you want to feel positive, energetic and active. Learn to love it, because it’s extremely good for you!
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