Friday, December 7, 2007


Abraham Lincoln said that people are just as happy as they make up their mind to be. If you think negatively and complain and moan about your life you won’t be happy. It’s a fact. We’re able to control the way we think, so start making some changes in your thoughts. Whenever you fee a negative thought coming up try to change it to something positive.

Winners enjoy the beauty and wonder of nature and small everyday things, like the sight of a flower, or the colour of the sky.

Winners are optimistic and upbeat. They make their thoughts encouraging and uplifting and enjoy sharing them with others.

Winners appreciate the present. They know they have learned from the past and they look forward to a future full of promise.

Winners are grateful for what they already have and seek creative ways to obtain whatever else they want or need.

Winners look for opportunities for growth and learning. They look for the positives in any situation so that they can problem-solve quickly.

Winners smile a lot and are enthusiastic about what they experience and who they spend time with.

Winners manage to find some positives even in tragic or difficult circumstances. They find the courage to take the next step to making things better.

Winners know that being happy is their own responsibility. If they start to feel down or irritated they quickly work to turn the situation round.

Winners sweep away negative or pessimistic thoughts and look for the silver lining in every cloud.

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