‘I think it pisses God off if you walk by the colour purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.’ (Alice Walker)
People tend to feel strongly about the colour purple and either love or hate it, although there are in fact many variations from lavender to deep violet. This is a wonderful colour to learn to like, because it fosters intuition and understanding. It’s dramatic, spiritual and associated with beauty, art and inspiration.
Purple is an excellent colour to use when you’re meditating and to surround yourself with when you’re making changes in your life. It helps you to think objectively and tap into your creative energy. It connects our conscious to our subconscious and makes us feel relaxed and comforted. It has been used in psychiatric care to help calm and pacify patients and has a mentally cleansing effect. People also use the colour as an appetite suppressant.
If you’re interested in psychic energy and powers then surround yourself with purple. It’s known to stimulate intuition and the spiritual self. If it’s a colour you love then it’s time for you to let go of the past and look forward to the future.
Too much purple in your life will make you manipulative and impatient and you will worry a lot. If you dislike it you are probably feeling trapped by someone else’s authority, or else having a creative block.
Not having enough purple in your life will make you wary of success, undisciplined and forgetful. You’ll find it difficult to be in tune with what’s happening around you.
The right balance of purple will connect you to your intuitive and creative powers. It will also make you less materialistic and less afraid of death. It’s generally thought that purple is the colour most appropriate for the next few decades, as people are becoming more aware of their spirituality and want peace and harmony in the world.
Purple is the perfect colour for creative people such as artists and musicians. (Leonardo da Vinci was a big fan of purple!). If you’re wanting to be creative then try wearing purple, or having some to look at while you’re working. If you’re having a creative block, then use the colour to free up your thoughts.
Purple is the connection between our spiritual selves and our physical selves. It makes us aware of being part of the universe and lifts us above the day to day trials and tribulations of day to day life, giving us great inner wisdom and understanding.
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